Future Goals

Business vs Jobs: What’s Better?
You need to take Transformational Coaching/Confidence Coach, understand What is Business Finance, the Importance of Entrepreneurship, Corporate Funding, Money Network, Stock Trading System, Leads Online, etc. if you want to do business. On the other hand, if you want to opt for a job, you can choose one from Part time Jobs for Students, Online Jobs, Home Based Jobs, etc. 

Today I am sharing my opinion on job and business, as I know both job and business have their some positive signs and some negative like a coin, everything has 2 faces so first I will tell about jobs.
JOBS: Job might be government or private but job have a scheduled time and after that you are free for your family friends and your own but it has a limited income from that a normal employee can only fulfil his/her needs but not dreams. Job also has some positive sides like job will give u a permanent salary on time where u can take leave if you have some urgent work or you are sick. In a job you have to listen to your boss at every time instead of you might be right or wrong but your boss can scolds you but you cannot say a word to him.
BUSINESS: Business also has some positive and negative points. In our own business you have no time limit, you have to work at any time. In most of the business, an owner does not have time to attend function and spend some quality time with families and friends. A businessman does not have sufficient time to take care of ourselves. In business you can earn more and you don’t have need to wait for month end or salary date. In business you are own boss you can take your decisions and take help of others if needed but no one can scolds you and say a word to you.
So here you can decide whatever u want to do business or job.


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